A footbath is a lovely way to still life for ten minutes. Your feet literally take a pounding every day, so take time to rest and restore them. Healthy, happy feet help you take life in your stride.
Make your footbath even more calming with lime flower.

Calming lime flower
Limeflower is one of the most calming herbs we have. It’s sweet scent fills the air. Close your eyes and lose yourself in a flowery aroma.
There’s more about lime flower, it’s associations and how to gather and work with it in this blog.
Best fresh
There are many ways to enjoy lime flowers. They’re best when selected straight from the tree. However, they’re only in bloom for a couple of short weeks each year (in early July), so that’s a rare treat, there’s more about gathering them in the 5 to forage in July blog.
Store and renew each year
Gather the open blooms (with their bracts) – see this video to show you what to gather. Let them air dry and store for future use. Each year replenish your supplies as the lime trees supply in abundance.
Limeflower is traditionally considered a calming herb, used avidly on the continent as a tea from childhood onwards to soothe and relax.
It can have the same effect on your feet, if you use it in a footbath.
Limeflower footbath
Its very simple to create your own soothing footbath using freshly gathered or dried lime flowers.
I also like to add some marshmallow and comfrey leaf, ingredients are up to you.
A recipe for Blend It Yourself Limeflower Footbath
Here’s a recipe for a truly soothing lime flower foot bath which you can enjoy at home. For real bliss, take your bowl and a deckchair to a secluded field or hedgerow and relax with nature surrounding you.
Gather everything you need together: a bowl large enough to put your feet in, a soft towel, your chosen herbal ingredients (including lime flowers) and, if you’d like, a little bowl of arrowroot or similar drying powder.
Use about 4g of limeflowers. They’re tricky to weigh, you can reckon on a couple of handfuls. Add half that amount of each of marshmallow leaves and of comfrey – also good softening herbs.
Put the herbs into a large pan and pour on 2 litres (3 1/2 pints) of water.

Bring all to the boil and then simmer for 5 minutes before covering and allowing to cool to room temperature.
Pour herbs and water together into your bowl then splash in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and take it to a place where you can sit comfortably.
Soak and soothe
Allow yourself half an hour of calm foot soaking. It’s your time to switch off and enjoy, whether for you that means eyes closed, meditating, reading or listening to the radio or music. If you choose, set yourself a timer – but the herbs won’t mind exactly how long your feet soak for.
Afterwards, dry your feet meticulously and powder them with the arrowroot.
Now your feet are soft and refreshed.