5 TO FORAGE IN JUNE June is a fantastic month to forage for natural skincare ingredients. There are many flowers and leaves in both hedgerows and gardens. If you can, pick in full sun and then use fresh right away, or alternatively dry for later use. To dry your plant material, either hang in bunchesā¦
Tag: marshmallow
Think Marshmallow and picture soft, plump and sweet … just how your skin can be when you use marshmallow in skincare
Marshmallow for skincare Let’s get the picture straight right away. We don’t suggest getting a packet of fluffy sweets and pounding them into your skincare. The marshmallow we talk about is the beautiful, tall hedgerow and countryside plant. Characteristically pink, trumpety blooms. Large, rounded (slightly hairy leaves). A tall straight stem, full of the mucilageā¦